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Designed to work with our Raptor TXPT180LS pipe coil trailer, LaySAFE® reduces the stored energy within coiled pipes as they come off the pipe installation trailer to prevent injury and trailer damage.
REGISTER YOUR INTERESTThe installation of coiled HDPE pipe poses a major health and safety risk in the industry with incidents of bruising, lacerations, lost teeth, broken jaws and even near fatalities. The energy stored in the coils of pipe is so violent, that it can severely damage the trailers themselves and also injure those involved in the installation of the pipe, when it is being unwound. The risk is increased if the trailer is not tethered securely during the process.
As a result, the use of larger diameter 180 coiled pipe has been banned by many companies in favour of “stick” installation methods which use pre-formed rigid lengths of pipe in smaller lengths of around 6 metres. However, the problem still persists on smaller coil sizes.
LaySAFE® is specifically designed for its application from the ground up. It will not cause excessive stresses or ovalisation of the pipe. It does not require any complex control systems, hydraulics or electronics.
When compared to “stick” installation, safe coil installation with LaySAFE® is more than 10x faster resulting in less impact to the customer and saves up to £4,600 per 100 meters of pipe installed.
LaySAFE® is available as an option on our Raptor TXPT180LS pipe coil trailer – the perfect solution for the safe transportation and installation of pipes used in the water, gas and electrical industries.
View The Raptor RangeThe LaySafe system works by feeding the pipe through a special box at the rear of the trailer, removing the stored energy and leaving the pipe in an inert, safe state as it leaves the trailer.
In combination with its novel chute design and whilst following correct procedure with a tail end strap, it also helps to better stabilise and control the pipe inside the trailer.
“LaySAFE now allows us to lay pipes far much more efficiently, and more importantly eliminates the historic Health and Safety risks associated with pulling coiled pipes from trailers. We provided feedback in the early development of the product, and used it in early trials throughout 2021. LaySAFE will go onto be a huge benefit to the whole pipe laying industry.’’ – NWG Living Water
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